FLOAWER 3rd Anniversary event in Copenhagen

Last week FLOAWER celebrated it's 3rd anniversary through a hybrid event hosted by DTU Wind Energy Systems in Denmark.

on December 15, 2022

This event was the perfect occasion to meet physically with the consortium to plan the final year of the project. Discussions were numerous during the management meetings (physically held for the second time), and collective intelligence was intensively used to brainstorm on the final public deliverables of the project.

The main focus of the event was to have ESRs presentation of their scientific progress. It fostered exchange and discussion around variety of scientific topics and help ESRs in progressing even further towards their research objective.

It was also the occasion to have FOW companies present to the ESRs, to help them define their career planning. INNOSEA and BW IDEOL presented their activities and discussed job opportunities with the ESRs.

Finally we concluded the week with a improvisation workshop taking place in ICC theater in Copenhagen. Thanks to Gordon our trainer, the group of ESRs gained valuable tips and advice on how to do an impactful presentation and how to behave on stage to keep the attention of the audience.

Published on December 15, 2022 Updated on February 2, 2023