Last two weeks ESRs participated to 2 main conferences: Torque and OMAE (International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering) to share their work via posters, talks and even session chairing.
on June 13, 2022
On the first week of June, 8 ESRs travelled to Netherlands to participate to Torque conference 2022, in TU Delft.
6 of them presented a poster of their research, including:
-Mariana Montenegro Montero (ESR9) "Effectiveness of dynamic induction control strategies on the wake of a wind turbine"
-Wessel van der Dejil (ESR11) "Experimental study of mean and turbulent velocity fields in the wake of a twin-rotor vertical axis wind turbine"
-Victor Benifla (ESR8) "Development of a genetic algorithm code for the design of cylindrical buoyancy bodies for floating offshore substructures"
2 presented during the session "Experimental methods for FOWTs" chaired by our Coordinator, Sandrine Aubrun:
-Thomas Messmer (ESR10) presented "A six degree-of-freedom set-up for wind tunnel testing of floating wind turbines"
-Moritz Gäfe (ESR2) presented "Wind field reconstruction using nacelle-based lidar measurements for floating wind turbines"
Last week, another ESR participated to OMAE conference in Hamburg, Germany. Seung-yoon Han (ESR5) had the opportunity to present his work. Additionally he even chaired a session, it was a successful first time experience for him.
His presentation was around "Validation Study of a CFD Numerical Solver for the Oscillatory Flow Features Around Heave Plate".
He chaired the session on "Experimental methods" on the Wednesday 8th of June.
Published on June 13, 2022
Updated on June 15, 2022