Last week FLOAWER ESRs participated to a soft skills training organised by the ForWind Institute based in the University of Oldenburg.
on March 16, 2022
From the 7th to the 11th of March, the University of Oldenburg, represented by Dr. Michael Hölling and his colleagues, organised the 4th Training of the project focused on Research Dissemination and Communication skills.
This was the first soft skills training of the project which was a welcomed addition for the ESR as they started the second half of their project; which is a dissemination and outreach intense period.
With presentations and posters in conferences, and outreach activities queuing up this year, the ESR were pleased to have this different training. It allowed them the get feedback from their fellow ESR, but also from the experienced researchers in the room. In fact this week was thought to be interactive and focus on the active participation of ESR.
Research Ethics, Time Management, Presentation skills, Scientific and press article writing, communication video workshops were organised through the week.
Alongside those important lectures and workshops, ESRs participated each evening to informal activities, with the highlight of the week being the "Power Point Karaoke" (improvising in front of a random slide-show on random topics).
Xiaoming Ran, ESR4 at NTNU said about the Training:
The training week in Oldenburg was fruitful. It helped us to improve different soft skills, which are very important for researchers. I really enjoyed the topics including ethics in research, communication and presentation skills, paper writing, and time management. We had an amazing experience with the interactive exercises. And thanks to everyone, I gained a lot from the valuable feedback. Look forward to the next training week.
His fellow from DTU, Daniel Hatfiled, ESR3 also shared his enthusiasm:
For a week of purely ‘soft skills’ it was way more enjoyable and helpful than I ever thought it would be. I think we have a great group of ESRs and that a week of positive criticism and feedback only strengthened this project. Improving presentation and paper writing skills is helping us to become better researchers and encouraging collaboration within the group. I am always looking forward to see everyone again!
Published on March 16, 2022
Updated on March 18, 2022