• M.R.E.,

The first Training Week of the project was a success

Last week FLOAWER organised it's first training week of the project, where FLOAWER ESRs gathered together with other ESRs and PhD students to attend 8 lectures around Engineering in Floating Offshore Wind.

on December 14, 2020

Initially planned at the University of Rostock, Germany, this training took a full online format during 4 days. It was hosted by University of Rostock and University of Stuttgart, and organised by Centrale Nantes.
On the first day the general management of the project was discussed during the Boards and Committees along with the first ESR Council. It was indeed the first time FLOAWER ESRs met all together, and started to become full actors and contributors of the project.
On Tuesday morning they had the chance to present a glance of their future work in the project, it was the perfect opportunity to create the first interactions with the Partner Organisations (both industrials and academics).

The following days were dedicated to lectures, covering a wide range of topics all related to FOWT engineering. In order to make benefit other researchers and PhD students of this free training, it was decided to open it to the Beneficiaries and Partner Organisations personnel. This allow to diversify even more the audience, creating exciting discussion with the lecturer.

When asked about the training, Frank Adam (UROS), host and lecturer declared:
“The training was a full success. It was possible to provide the ESRs a wide range of skills from the design, certification, data analysis up to the control for floating offshore wind. Based on that first workshop the ESR´s can now start to go into the details for their research topics.”
Finally, in order to enhance the cohesion of the consortium and to strengthen the ESR community, networking activities were proposed in the evening. Even with the obstacle of our screens, and the distance between us, we managed to share icebreaker stories, games, drinks and most importantly smiles.

Overall this event was a success gathering 40 participants, 10 lecturers, with 3 from the industry, taking part in 13 hours of lectures.

The first training of the project gave us the experience and confidence to organise the next ones, with the great hope of gathering physically.
Published on December 14, 2020 Updated on December 14, 2020