

WP4: Wind resource assessment

Improve the correlation between meteorological datasets by Telem Avidor (ESR1)

Nacelle based lidar wind measurements for floating wind turbines by Moritz Gräfe (ESR3)


WP7: System Design to reduce LCOE)

Design Optimization of Multi Used Components by Victor Benifla (ESR8)


Intergrated design of floating wind turbine by Kutay Yilmazlar (ESR12)

Key drivers for LCoE minimisation in floating offshore wind by Craig White (ESR13)

WP5: Advanced Floater Analysis

Dynamic responses of floating wind turbines by Xiaoming Ran (ESR4)

Study of hydrodynamic loads on heave plate dedicated to floating offshore wind turbine by Seung Yoon Han (ESR5)

Experimental Tank Test Analysis of Floating Wind Turbine Model Using Underwater Particle Image Velocimetry by Navid Belvasi (ESR6)


WP6: Dynamics of Wind Turbine

Aerodynamic performance of a wind turbine in a floating environment by Mariana Montero Montenegro (ESR9)

Wind tunnel study of wake dynamics of a floating wind turbine
by Thomas Messmer (ESR10)


Here you will be able to download FLOAWER publications (open access).


Here you will be able to download FLOAWER public deliverables and other documents related to the project.

State of the Art

One of the first research work our ESR had to do for the project was completing the state of the art (SoA) around their research topic.
Each individual SoA is compiled in a WP deliverable document, you will find them in annexes. You can download each of them by clicking on the links below.

Mini-symposia at Wind Energy Science Conference 2021

From the 25th to the 28th of May, our ESR were participating to the WESC 2021 conference. In order to foster and facilitate their participation, FLOAWER teamed up with 3 other ITN projects (LIKE, STEP4WIND and TRAIN2WIND) to co-organised 4 mini-symposia (MS). You can have an overview of our participation with the descriptions of the MS, ESR abstracts, and outcomes of the conference by dowloading the public deliverable below:

Side-event to Wind Europe Summit 2022

On the morning of the 6th of April 2022, FLOAWER teamed up with the FLOATECH project to organise a side-event to Wind Europe Summit 2022. Learn more about this event by downloading the deliverable below:


Industry Brochure

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Policy Makers Brochure

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Published on July 19, 2019 Updated on January 30, 2024