There is a wide range of LCOE values for FOW at the moment and it is wise to analyse exactly how people calculate LCOE.

Nevertheless, LCOE for offshore wind, especially for floating wind, has to decrease significantly to be competitive with fixed offshore wind projects or even with onshore wind projects.

The main goal of WP7 is to reduce the LCOE through an overall design of the offshore WT including the substructures (floater, mooring, anchoring, etc.).

These optimization tools will start from what has been done in the last decade for the optimal design of the rotor and will include the mathematical models of the dynamics of the platform and of the waves and wind developed in the other WPs.

The LCOE minimization will consider both, the horizontal axis (HAWT) as well as the vertical axis (VAWT) WTs and a comparison for several sizes greater than 8MW rated power for the WT.

Different wind classes, incl. the new typhoon class, will also be analysed. We will provide a hydrodynamic analysis and numerical modelling of the platform(s) and of the mooring lines with engineering models developed and validated in collaboration with WP5.

Furthermore, we will provide an aerodynamic analysis and integration of wind and waves dynamics in deep and shallow waters in collaboration with WP4 and WP6 into the aero-servo-hydro-elastic analyses for both HAWT and VAWT, to minimize the LCOE.

New control laws will also be included in the analysis. Finally we will provide guidelines for the design of the next generation of offshore HAWTs and VAWTs. A comparison in terms of several Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) (i.e. AEP, fatigue and maximum loads, LCOE) will be also presented.

The partners (EOLFI, POLIMI, NTNU, UROS, VICINAY, WavEC) have long track-records in system design under LCOE reduction constraint.

They will jointly address the following objectives:

  • Reduce the LCOE through an overall design of the offshore WT including the substructure.
  • Develop mathematical tools to optimize the integrated design of the whole system for different wind classes
  • Identify avenues for offshore wind cost reduction
  • Compare offshore wind energy alternatives from the techno-economic standpoint leading to the identification of optimal designs
Published on July 19, 2019 Updated on March 11, 2020